
You block your dreams when you allow your fears to grow bigger than your faith. Never fear shadows, they simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby. Because each time we face our fears, we gain strength, courage, and confidence.


If I can endure for this minute whatever is happening to me,
No matter how heavy my heart is, or how dark the moment might be...

If I can but keep on believing what I know in my heart to be true,
That darkness will fade with morning and that this will pass away, too...

Then nothing can ever disturb me or fill me with uncertain fear.
For as sure as night brings dawning, my morning is bound to appear...


C. Om

Inspiring! Face your fears and they transform or disappear.


Very nice...

Fear transforms into consciousness advancement when we recognize it for the illusion that it is and so take command of it. Further, during our command we can reach beyond banishment to engage our mind to help shape the previously fearful situation into an outcome nearer our choosing.

Because we fear death we cannot fully live.

Because we fear death we do not pause to allow self-healing.

Because we fear death we cannot wake up from this dream.

Fear not.

Blessings -ss


I love it. What a rush to run toward our fears and find out they are only illusions in our mind. And that all really is well, no matter what things may look like. Thanks a lot for sharing this.


Como en el vídeo, más de una vez me quedé sin besar a alguien por mis miedos... ¡Nunca mais! :-)

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