Toward a New Society

Someone said that being aware of the past is the first step for building a better future.

Would say that each individual should make this journey by himself, to seek his own answers, as critical thinking and awareness are essential in our time. On this path we should walk alone for a while, listening to our inner voice, doing our own research, challenging other opinions, and facing our fears.

Nevertheless, discussion is always useful, as it is to share and promote sources, when helped us or we think might help others. So, here is my recommendation: The last release of Zeitgest, the Addendum; hopefuly will become once again one of the most inspirating documentaries all around the globe! (Here's Zeitgeist 1)

Zeitgeist 2 is divided in 4 parts, each one starting with a quote:

I - None are more hoplessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free. (Johann Wolfrang Goethe, 1749-1832)

II -There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt. (John Adams, 1735-1826)

III - Greed and competition are not the result of an immutable human temperament... greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being created and amplified... the direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive. (Bernard Lietaer, Founder of the EU Currency System, born in 1942)

IV - My country is the world... and my religion is to do good. (Thomas Paine, 1737-1809)

Zeitgeist 2, the Addendum - 2h.

Here below is an extract from The Zeitgeist Movement website:

'When we understand that all systems are Emergent and constantly in a state of evolution, along with the reality that we are all Symbiotically connected to nature and each other in the most simple yet profound way, forcing the realization that our personal integrity is only as high as the integrity of the rest of society, we then see how twisted and backwards our social establishments are and how their perpetuation is largely the cause of the social instability...

...The goal is intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the avocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings, but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually...

...The reality is that we live in a society that produces Scarcity. The consequence of this scarcity is that human beings must behave in self preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want...

...It is our personal actions everyday of our lives that mold and perpetuate the social systems we have in place. Yet, paradoxically, it is also our environmental influences which create our perspectives and hence world views. Therefore, true change will come not only from adjusting your personal understandings and decisions, but equally from changing the social structures that influence these understandings and decisions'.

As the visionarie Jacque Fresco states in the film: are not politicians that can solve problems, they have no technical capabilities, even if they were sincere, they don't know how to solve problems, because they are not trained to do so. It is a technician who designs desalinization plants, are technicians who give you electricity, motor vehicles, or heat your house and cool it in summer time. It's technology (knowledge) that solves the problems, not politicians.


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